Real Estate Investing with Kenny Wolfe
This is Real Estate Investing with Kenny Wolfe, the show with weekly topics designed to help you learn how to build your ideal life through real estate investing.
Real Estate Investing with Kenny Wolfe
Solving the Housing Shortage
June 29, 2023
Kenny Wolfe
Why do we have a housing shortage in this country? It can all be pointed back to the great recession of 2008. That really caused any construction for twelve to eighteen months to drop dramatically. There were fewer homes built between 2008 and 2018 than any other decade since the 1960's.
My name is Kenny Wolfe and I’ve been a real estate syndicator and investor for over eleven years; in this time, I’ve built a successful real estate investment firm, Wolfe Investments. If you’re new to the show, make sure to subscribe so you’re notified when a new episode comes out.
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